(신간)식량전쟁, 이호철 -도서출판 식안연,Food War 2030
(신간)식량전쟁, 이호철 -도서출판 식안연,Food War 2030
  • 도지회 기자
  • 승인 2013.03.28 16:18
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 이철호 지음
 2012년 3월 30일 펴냄
 도서출판 식안연
 236 페이지
 ISBN 978-89-967826-01-2
 정가 12,800원

  ▲자본주의의 종말을 앞당길 뇌관 ‘식량전쟁’을 말한다.
 지난 반세기 동안의 세계 역사는 세계화, 자유무역, 경제발전이라는 이름으로 가진 자의 끝없는 탐욕을 채우는데 몰입했던 기간이었다. 비교우위 경제이론으로 세계 각 나라를 분업화 하려는 서방 자본주의의 의도가 현실화 되었고, WTO 무역자유화와 함께 식량생산을 게을리 했던 개발도상국들은 곡물가 파동으로 식량대란을 겪고 있다. 가까운 미래에 세계적인 지각 변동을 일으킬 키워드는 식량이며, 식량전쟁은 오래전부터 준비되어 왔고 현재 진행 중이다. 이 책은 식품학자로서 40여년의 식품학 연구를 통해 얻어진 식견과 통찰력으로 세계의 미래를 진단한 것이다.

 이철호(李哲鎬)는 1945년 8월 18일 해방과 동시에 함경남도 함흥에서 태어
 났다. 서울 장충고등학교를 거쳐 고려대학교 농화학과를 졸업하고 ROTC
 포병장교로 예편했다. 1970년 덴마크 국비장학생으로 선발되어 6년간 유학
 하여 덴마크왕립수의농과대학에서 식품저장학 박사학위를 받았다. 미국      MIT 공과대학에서 4년간 연구원으로 있다가 고려대학교 식품공학과 교수로 초빙되었다. 2010년 30년간의 교수생활을 끝내고 한국식량안보연구재단을 설립하여 앞으로 밀어닥칠 세계적인 식량위기를 알리고 이에 대비하기 위한 국민교육운동에 전념하고 있다. 국민훈장 석류장, 홍조근정훈장, 미국식품공학회(IFT) Fellow로 선정되는 영예를 안았다. 저서로는 음식오케스트라, 식품위생사건백서, 한국식품학입문 등 20여권을 저술하였으며, 270여편의 연구논문을 발표했다. 문하에는 193명의 식품학 석사와 24명의 박사를 배출하였으며, 20여명이 국내외 대학 교수로 있다.     

 이 책은 우루과이 라운드 협상을 전후하여 노골화된 서방 선진국들의 식량무기화 전략을 파헤치고 개발도상국들의 어리석은 경제정책과 식량정책을 실례를 들어 제시한다. 생명공학의 발전이 가져다준 인류를 위한 혜택이 식량무기화를 위해 어떻게 이용되고 있으며, 보편적 가치로 인정되고 있는 지적재산권이 세계의 농업과 식량공급에 어떠한 영향을 미치고 있으며 그 종말은 어떠할 것이지를 예단한다. WTO 이후 식량의 부익부 빈익빈 현상이 심화되는 상황 속에서 광우병 쇠고기 대란을 겪었던 한국인의 의식구조를 조명해 보고, 앞으로 세계 공영에 이바지 할 한국의 세계 비전을 제시한다.

Sikanyeon Publishing

Korea University Bioengineering Building (East), Room 401, 1 Anam-dong 5-ga, Seongbuk-gu,

Seoul, Korea. Tel. 82-2-929-2751, Fax. 82-2-927-5201, foodsecurity@foodsecurity.or.kr



Food War 2030


Original Korean novel by Cherl-Ho Lee

English translation by Colin A. Mouat

Published  Mar. 12, 2013

Sikanyeon Publishing, Seoul

ISBN 978-89-967826-4-3

$ 20


The Food War: hastening the collapse of capitalism.

For the past half-century, the history of the world has been a desperate attempt to satisfy the wants of the haves in the name of globalization, free trade, and economic development. Based on the theory of comparative advantage, Western capitalism has sought to subordinate the countries of the world into a division of labor, and the developing countries that neglected their own food production prior to WTO trade liberalization now face a situation of crisis amid fluctuating grain prices. "Food" is a byword for the momentous changes that will be shaking the world in the very near future. The food war has been a long time coming, and it is already under way. Based on the insights and knowledge gleaned from more than four decades of research in food science, the author presents a picture of the future that now awaits our world.


About the Author

Lee Cherl-Ho was born in Hamhung on August 18, 1945, just three days after Korea's liberation from Japanese rule. A graduate of Seoul's Jangchung High School, he studied agricultural chemistry at Korea University and served as an ROTC artillery officer. In 1970, he was selected to study in Denmark with the support of the Danish government (the DANIDA program). After six years studying in the country, he received a Ph.D. in food science from the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University. He worked as a researcher for four years at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology before being invited back to Korea University as a professor in its Department of Food Technology. In 2010, he retired after thirty years in teaching to found the Korea Food Security Research Foundation, where has been working to alert the public to the coming world food crisis and educate people in preparation for it. His honors include the Pomegranate (Seokryu) Medal for Civil Merit and the Red Stripes Medal given by the Republic of Korea, as well as membership as a Fellow of the Institute of Food Technologists in the United States. He has written over twenty books, including Food Orchestra, White Paper on Food Hygiene Cases, and Introduction to Korean Food Science, as well as over 270 research papers. He has advised 193 master's graduates and 24 doctoral graduates in food science, twenty of whom now teach as professors at universities in Korea and overseas.



This book delves into attempts by advanced Western nations to use food as a weapon, a strategy that became overt around the time of the Uruguay Round negotiations. It also looks at real-life cases of misguided economic and food-related policies in developing nations. Examining the ways in which the gains of biotechnology have been used for the weaponization of food and the impact that universally recognized intellectual property rights have had on global agriculture and food supply, it ventures predictions about how this will all end. It focuses on the consciousness of the Korean public in the wake of the mad cow disease scare, during a post-WTO period that has seen an ever-widening gap in food wealth. Finally, it offers a vision of Korea's contributions to the world's future prosperity.


Table of Contents

I. Girding for Battle

"Keep Wheat out of Siberian Fields" / The Uruguay Round /

“Westernize Korean’s Eating Habits / Ghana's Story

II. The Mad Cow Frenzy

Who Drove the Cows Mad? / The Human Form of Mad Cow Disease / A Stunned

Public / Beef Negotiations with the US / The Smart Mobs of an IT Power /

New Beef Negotiations / The Wake of the Storm

III. The Seed Wars

The UPOV Conspiracy / Dinosaur Agribusiness / What Monsanto's BT Cotton Did in

India / A Canadian Farmer Battles a Dinosaur / The Korean Seed Market

IV. The Opening Act

The 2008 Grain Price Hike / The Weather Disasters of 2010 and 2011 /

Climate Change Continues

V. The Fat Tax Hearings of 2015

The First Round / The Second Round / The Obesity Tax

VI. The Food Wars in 2030

The US and Europe / China / The End of Food as a Weapon

VII. Tagore's Prophecy

Exodus 2030 / Korea's World Vision


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